Xarolla Windmill

The Malta Windmill Database



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Country partMalta
AddressTriq it-Tahhan and Triq Sant ' Andrija at the northside of the city
NameXarolla Windmill
Building year1724
SortMound Mill
Basesquare base
FunctionGrain Mill
Sail span
Function todayIn working order / Museum
Mill remainsNo
Database number12



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photo w.jellema 9-5-2000

photo w.jellema 9-5-2000

photo w.jellema 5-6-2005

photo w.jellema 5-6-2005

photo 5-3-2009 George Sammut



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This windmill known as tax-Xarolla, was built by Grandmaster Manoel de Vilhena, in 1724. In 1791 a second floor was built for living of the miller family.In 1992, this was restored to its original working order is now the only functioning windmill in the islands of Malta and Gozo. This is a valuable witness of local culture and heritage still has parts of the original mechanisms and can still grain the wheat. In the year 2000, this building was passed over to be administered by the Zurrieq Local Council and is intended to serve also as a cultural centre. Was still grinding grain in 1939, after which it fell slowly into disrepair. Lat miller was Gann Patist Sammut. Ca 1960 restored for ? 1000. In 1978 its sails were destroyed in a storm. The windmill was restored in working order in 1996. The windmill came in 2000 under the control of the Zurrieq Local Council. In 2004 restored in working order and now and then working. This is a valuable witness of local culture and heritage still has parts of theoriginal mechanisms and can still grain the wheat. Has a rotating roof. Near the mill are catacombs and a restored temple. The tower has 50 steps. Picture on 45 c stamp. On the 5th of March 2009 the sail cross was extensive damage by gale force wind. The mill has been reapaired in 2011.



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